
Eldon Primary School

Aspiration, Determination, Success


Spring 1 – Year 5


Dance – The Pavanne and the almaine

Children learn different styles of dance and focus on dancing with other people. They create, perform and watch dances in a range of styles, working with partners and groups.

In dance as a whole, children think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts. They develop an awareness of the historical and cultural origins of different dances.

This unit lays the foundations for future dance units, in which children will use different visual images as a starting point for dance. They will be encouraged to become more adventurous when improvising and exploring ideas, developing their knowledge of how props, costume, design and music enrich dance.


Spring 1 – Year 6


Dance – Country dancing


Gymnastics – Counter balance and counter tension

In Year 6 children create sequences of at least eight to ten elements that include changes of level, direction and pathways to improve the look of the composition. Their actions are performed with fluency and control even when performing difficult combinations. They work with a partner or in a small group adapting their performance to perform to an audience. They understand what is important to include in a warm up for gymnastic activity and know how to improve health and fitness.

They are aware of factors influencing the quality of a performance and suggest aspects that need improving using appropriate terminology

Introduction to unit of work

In this unit children will improve their defending and attacking skills playing even-sided games. They will start to show control and fluency in dribbling, sending and receiving a ball in a small game situation and under some pressure. Children will be encouraged to think about how to use tactics and collaborate with others to outwit their opposition. Pupils will comment on their own and other’s performances and suggest ways to improve. They will also recognise the importance of sportsmanship.


Hockey Practice

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Hockey Practice

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Rounders – Year 5

Children develop the quality and consistency of their fielding skills and understanding of when to use them such as throwing underarm and overarm, catching and retrieving a ball. They learn how to play the different roles of bowler, backstop, fielder and batter and to apply tactics in these positions. In all games activities, children have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition.

Year 6 – Tag Rugby

In this unit children will learn to keep possession of the ball using attacking skills. They will play uneven and then
even sided games, developing strategies and social skills to self-manage games. Children will understand the importance of playing fairly and keeping to the rules. They will also develop key skills and principles such as defending, attacking, throwing, catching, running and dodging. Children will think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. They will learn how to evaluate their own and others’ performances and suggest improvements.