
Eldon Primary School

Aspiration, Determination, Success

previous years Information

Sports Days

We had no less than 8 sports days this year, each year group having their own separate one. The children had a great time and worked really hard.  Thank you to all of the adults and year 5 children who set up the events before school.


They showed great perseverance to get as many points as they could on their sports day cards.  Some children made some great decisions when gaining their points.  They enjoyed the variety of events: hockey race, sprint, goal shoot, sack race, obstacle race.  Thank you to the Year 6 Games Makers who helped the children find their way around and encouraged them.


Early years and KS 1 sports days

The children participated so well and had great fun on each day and worked really hard at the 15 different activities.  A massive thank you to the yr 5 play buddies, who were in charge of an event. 

EYFS Sports Day

KS1 Sports Day
