
Eldon Primary School

Aspiration, Determination, Success

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information


Eldon Primary School: 0208 807 4763









At Eldon our school budget is used to fund many different interventions that support pupil progress. Many of our interventions give pupils the opportunity to participate in small group work. One of the benefits of small group work is that each member of the group gets to make a valued contribution. Delivering small group intervention means that there is more opportunity for personal feedback to individual pupils’ about their ideas and responses.


Small group interventions are delivered by class teachers and teaching assistants with specialist training and subject knowledge. All interventions are evidence based – this means

your child is assessed at the start and again at the end of the period of intervention. This enables intervention leaders to track and monitor progress.


Our interventions are funded from our school budget. Our ‘costed provision maps’ show how much funding we spend on interventions weekly and annually.
