Our Voice, the Parent Carer Forum for Enfield, are pleased to invite parents and carers to apply to join our popular free six-week Healthy Parent Carer programme starting on the 15th September and running every Friday from 10 am to 1 pm.
This is not a parenting course, or about how you can get support for your child/young person - it is about your own wellbeing and will be run by trained facilitators who are also parent carers and understand the challenges.
Please see the attached flyer for full details of the course, what it is about and who it is for.
If you are interested in attending the course please click on the link here (or on the flyer) to complete the short form, or scan the QR code on the attached flyer.
Before we confirm your place, we will phone you to discuss exactly what the course entails and make sure that you want to go ahead. Therefore, if you are interested in the September/October course, we recommend you reply by Thursday 20th July if you can, so that we can get back to you before the School holidays start. If you don't mind being contacted during the holidays, please indicate this in your comments.
There are only a handful of places remaining on this course, but there will be additional courses in each half-a-term which we will offer to those unsuccessful in obtaining a place, or who prefer a later date.
If you would prefer to attend the programme at a later date please click the same link and indicate what your preferred timing is, and we will come back to you in due course. We will include some courses with a translator available (Turkish, Somalian or Bengali) and options to attend face-to-face or online.
The Our Voice Team
Our Voice Enfield Telephone:07516 662315 E-Mail: Visit our website at can also follow us on our Facebook page at,on Twitter@EnfieldOurVoice,and on Instagram at |
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