
Eldon Primary School

Aspiration, Determination, Success


Children Centre Timetable

Description of Sessions








Victim Support

Free, Confidential service, provides a regular time and opportunity to talk about and explore any issues which are causing you concern or distress. This is an appointment based session so please contact the Centre for more details


Speech & language (Drop-in) and sessions

An opportunity for you to come along to the Centre and discuss any concerns you have with your child’s speech development. Sessions also run if you are referred into the service for support.


Toddle Talk

For families with children aged 1 to 2 years old. This session is a mixture of play and communication focused strategies. It combines an interactive play session, stories and songs, support on health queries/advice and preparing children for those transitions such as nursery.


Well Baby Clinic

Weekly weighing sessions to see how your child's developing and health staff are available to answer questions.



Learn to speak and write English. Different levels available at different sites. Crèche Provided


Community Sessions

Child and toddle talk sessions delivered at Schools or Community bases in the Hub.

Outreach services and support offered during the sessions.


Play and Communication

All families who attend the Baby, Toddle or Child Talk will have the opportunity to be involved in their child's learning and development. Each child will be assessed to see how they are developing with a focus on language, if your child is seen as needing support , our trained team will be able to recommend and access appropriate groups to support you and your child.


Talk Activity

TalkACTivity is aimed at supporting Parents in developing their child’s early language and

communication skills. It is aimed at families with children aged 18 months to 2½ years.

Sessions are focussed on introducing communication strategies each week and supporting families to use these in the session and at home.


Development Checks (Invitation only)

Early Year’s Practitioner led session to check your Child’s Development at 8 months or 2 years


1st Time Parent Group

A 6 week programme for you and your baby to get to know a bit more about becoming a parent and meet other new parents


Antenatal Appointments (Invitation only)

Antenatal appointments are booked through your midwife. They are a chance for parents to  speak to a midwife about any worries in relation to their pregnancy and check baby’s growth and monitor their own wellbeing.


Citizen Advice Bureau (Pre-booking)

A trained adviser will be available to provide one-to-one consultations covering Welfare,

Benefits and Debt advice | Housing etc


Outreach in the community

The outreach team will be out in the community such as home visits, play groups, and schools to support families with information on all aspects of parenting, and signposting to services available.


Child Talk

For families with two or more children

Child Talk is a mixture of play and communication focused strategies. It combines an interactive play session, stories and songs, support on health queries/advice.


CAMHS Time to Listen (Pre-booked)

Would you like to talk to our therapist about your child’s development and behaviour.

This is a FREE and confidential service. Please Call the Centre to book an appointment or for further information.


Baby Talk

For first time parents with babies aged 3 months to 12 months.

Baby talk combines an interactive play session, stories and songs, support on health issues such as baby weighing, advice on breastfeeding and weaning, healthy snacks.


Child Care Taster

A 5 week course to give parents an insight into working with young children


Solace appointments

Sessions to offer support for women affected by domestic violence.


Incredible Years Parenting Programme

Incredible Years Parenting programme is an inclusive programme designed to help and support parents with the challenges they face in raising happy and successful children.

By taking part you will:

1.get to meet other parents given information and strategies for bringing up your children.

3.Get help to make sure your voice is heard.
