
Eldon Primary School

Aspiration, Determination, Success

Google Classroom

School Virtual/Home Learning Policy information

Using a PlayStation or Xbox Device to log onto Google Classroom

Links for downloading Google Meet on to devices.

Updated Information for using Google Classroom

Google Classroom app for your phone.

Please see instructions below for downloading the app to your Android or iPhone


How do you get Google classroom on Android?

Go to the play store and download Google Classroom 



Get started with the mobile app

  1. On the Welcome screen, tap Sign In at the bottom of the screen.
  2. If you have Google accounts already set up, you see those. ...
  3. Tap Existing.
  4. Type in your Google Apps for Education login credentials, and then tap the right triangle.
  5. Tap OK in the Terms of Service dialogue box.


How do you get google Classroom on an iPhone?

Go to the app store and download Google Classroom


How do I sign into Google classroom on my iPhone?

Sign in for the first time

  1. Tap Classroom .
  2. Tap Get Started.
  3. Tap Add account.
  4. Enter your username and tap Next.
  5. Enter your password and tap Next.
  6. If there is a welcome message, read it and tap Accept.
  7. If you are using a G Suite for Education account, tap I'm A Student or I'm A Teacher.

Please see link below to find out how to submit work:

Please click on the link below for instructions on how to use your phone to send work in Google Classroom:

The following instructions on how to sign in to Google Classroom have been translated into Turkish, you can find them at the bottom of the page.

Hello Parents smiley

Today is the first day for all of us using Google Classroom. There have been a few teething problems which is to be expected.  There was an issue with the original email addresses that were sent to you so

please make sure you are using the email that ends:

You will have your personal details at the beginning with after it.

Please find below instructions on how to access Google Classroom. 

Signing up and logging into Google Classroom (you have received all the details needed in a text from school)

  1. Use Google Chrome or search for Google on your internet browser


    2. Enter email address (sent to you in a text)

Make sure you enter the correct email here


  3. Enter your password (sent to you in the same text)

Enter your password here

You will now see that you are signed in.

  4. Go to

  5. At the top, click + sign and click on Join Class

Enter the class code (you received in the text) and click Join





Google Classroom

Bugun Google Sinifimizi kullanmamizin ilk gunu ve bir kac problem cikacagini bekliyorduk. Yolladigimiz  E-posta ile ilgili sorun vardi. Lutfen ile biten E-postayi kullandiginizdan emin olun. Kisisel bilgilerinizi once koyun ve sonra yazin.
Google sinifina nasil eriseceginize iliskin talimatlari asagida bulabilirsiniz.

Signing in to Google Classroom Instructions - Turkish Translation

Help Videos

Google Classroom help video

Still image for this video

How to access Google Classroom video

Still image for this video