
Eldon Primary School

Aspiration, Determination, Success


Tik Tok Information for Parents

Staying Safe Online

e-Safety is about using ICT in a responsible way to keep safe online. It is important for us all to keep safe and protect ourselves as well as our information so that we can all enjoy our time online! To help you stay safe, you should follow the ‘Click Clever, Click Safe' code. It's just three simple things to remember that can help keep you safe when you visit your favourite websites:


Being online and using the internet is just like being in the real world - you can chat to people, play games and share pictures. But sometimes things happen which can make you upset. People may say nasty things to you which upset you, or you may see something that you don’t like.

If this happens, you must remember that it’s not your fault.



Remember, if you see or hear anything on the Internet that worries you or makes you feel uncomfortable, you can always report this to CEOP





Below are links to some useful websites where you can learn more about being safe online.

