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Proud to be a part of
Children First Academy Trust

Online Safety

Online safety at Eldon

Our children are growing up in a world of ever-changing technology.  While we feel that the use of technology is a largely positive aspect of modern life, we cannot ignore the risks that can be associated.

Click here to report an online safety incident to CEOP

Click here to view the Trust Online Safety Policy


Throughout the school, we aim to teach children:

The impact of cyber-bullying and what to do if they have been affected.

To be vigilant when communicating online, recognising that people may not always be who they say they are and to be sensible about what they share.

To tell an adult they trust if something is upsetting them.

To question the reliability of information given through a web-based source.

To search responsibly for information while using internet browsers.

Online safety is woven throughout the schools curriculum and is a consistent theme in school and phase assemblies. It is also delivered explicitly as part of the PSHE and computing curriculum. Some examples of online safety lessons are below:

Using the internet and digital devices; communicating online

The internet in everyday life; online content and information

How the internet is used; assessing information online

How data is shared and used

How information online is targeted; different media types, their role and impact

Evaluating media sources; sharing things online


 A guide to Apps & Social Media

Eldon children should under no circumstances be accessing apps and social media that have an age restriction beyond their age. If they have access to these apps, they will be seeing inappropriate content and interacting with the adult digital world.